In the fast-paced world of transportation, stains and dirt left behind by travelers and people in a hurry call for special cleaners. From upholstery stains to floors scuffed by thousands of feet, here is a list of plant-powered cleaners that will make a difference.
Tabletops, hard chair seats, booths, reception areas, tables and counters benefit from ECOS® Pro Parsley Plus® Kitchen & Bath Cleaner. Guests and travelers benefit too; this U.S. EPA Safer Choice cleaner is certifiably made from safer and effective ingredients. Miles of stainless steel can get a streak-free shine with
ECOS® Pro Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish. Floors can be cleaned and scuff marks polished away with our trademark Orange Plus® Heavy Duty Floor Cleaner, suitable for riding scrubbers. Stained carpeting and upholstery get a fresh start with the help of enzyme-powered, highly effective ECOS® Pro Stain & Odor Remover. All cleaners are readily available in bulk sizes, up to 55 gallon drums, and over 90% are U.S. EPA Safer Choice certified.
Transportation hubs have many areas to clean and maintain. Look through the links below to find additional cleaning recommendations.